
"Founding Fathers"

The first American law concerning marijuana was written at Jamestown in 1619, mandating the growth of Indian hemp. By 1730 most of the colonies had similar laws.

Our founding fathers farmed hemp for its oils, fiber, its many medicinal uses and its pleasures as recorded in George Washington's diary, August 7, 1765: "— began to separate the male from the female hemp at Do — rather too late." This is a practice related to drug potency and not fiber culture!

Thomas Jefferson, when an ambassador to France, smuggled the finest hemp seeds from Asia (hemp's origin) to cultivate here in Virginia! He also wrote about the advantages of hemp over tobacco, in use, labor and for the sake of the land.

Today the constitutional rights these men inscribed are trampled upon in the war against citizens engaged in this very activity! In 1937 our government criminalized the entire hemp industry!

The lies they have manufactured about this plant will never justify the destruction this law has caused millions of innocent Americans through loss of property, family, employment and life in prison! 700,000 Americans are arrested every year for smoking marijuana

Marijuana is called a "deadly drug," but there is not one documented case of death or disease from even the most chronic cannabis use!

The D.E.A.'s administrative law judge, Francis Young, stated "extensive research has proved that marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance known to man, and is safer than most foods we consume."


May 1997
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